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Taking Church Membership Seriously
Why it's time to raise the bar.
Theme of the Week: An Inside Job
Preemptive Peace
To survive conflict, churches and pastors must prepare before one arises.
Holding Leaders Accountable
Picking up the church discipline conversation where the Wall Street Journal left it
Certified Contrition
Theme of the Week: Doing a 180
Currents Shaping My Church: War, Politics, and the Pulpit
How do you handle potentially explosive social issues when you know your congregation is not of one mind?
Before The Passion Fades
Readers respond to the debate over our "best outreach opportunity" ever.
Taking Church Membership Seriously
Why it's time to raise the bar.
Meaningful Membership
A good church membership process is not just a formality—it draws people closer to God and establishes a commitment to the local church.
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